Thursday, 10 January 2013

Wednesday 9th January

Southampton home to Yarmouth

Leaving Southampton Town quay marina on an overcast day
 Forecast is good—wind N/NW 9kts, temp 8degC, Sun/cloud, HW Cowes 0947.
Engines 948, fuel 5/8, 1/2, water 1/4. Marina fees £30pn, inc.
.1145 Clear marina. Vis 1nM, overcast, dry. 1500rpm, 7.7sog. Smooth.

Hythe ferry meets Saga

.1215  Greenland buoy.  AOK. 1500/8.7sog. Visibility improving astern. In main channel.

Hovercraft testing

.1220 Alter course to accommodate ferry.
.1245 W.Bramble cardinal. AOK. Alter coursr to Gurnard to avoid v.large overtaking ship.
.1310 Vis dropping. Increase to 2500/14sog.
.1320 Hampstead Ledge buoy. AOK.
The monster and the minnow
.1335 Enter Yarmouth harbour, tie up, tidy up. 

A great January bonus holiday!

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Tuesday 8th January

A Marina full of boats

Bright sunshine helped to  wake us up (rather late), confirming that the spell of good weather would continue. The marina was full of absent residents, and we were still the only visitor, with the entire breakwater to ourselves. The trial of yesterday’s purchase of extra-warm sleepers had proved successful, so we were well ready for another day. A simple breakfast and a quick boat-tidy took us up to morning coffee (it’s all go on a boat!). I checked out the blog on Gill’s iPad and discovered that Apple had decided to re-format it. Gill, who adores all things Apple declared that this was an improvement, but I’m not so sure. (Note to readers—Gill still thinks that Steve Jobs should be canonised). Anyway, then I saw that the iPad does give the opportunity of “web view”, let me know what you think.
High Street, Southampton

It was another super day—from the galley we had a superb Spag-Bol, and later a French-style cheese & tomato baguette with cakes, and we did a bit more credit-card-bashing in the city.
We played cards as the rain set in, and watched a very silly but entertaining movie -”The Hangover”. Home tomorrow, we think….

Monday, 7 January 2013

Middlewatch Cruising Blog 2013

Claire & Nadia come for a cuppa

Monday 7th January
The Hythe Ferry - a possible excursion?
Still the Southampton tourists, keenly keeping an eye out, spotting Cruise Liners (is that similar to trainspotting?). The big pleasant surprise of the day was meeting our next-door neighbours, Claire and Nadia, who had come on the Red Jet for a shopping expedition. We saw them briefly on the bus to town before they were swept away on a throng of shoppers, and then met them again as we were entering the Marina. An impromptu tea party and photo-shoot was called for, and a very pleasant half-hour enjoyed!

Sunday 6th January
It’s only “twelfth night”, but already Christmas seems a million miles astern as we have become immersed in the timeless world of the boat. Waking up to yet another monster-liner, breakfast aboard, and appreciating the excellent facilities of this, a most up-to-date marina—we have already decided to stay another day (at least, as the forecast is holding fine).
Just at the top of the gangway is the terminus for the free bus which stops at West Quay, a shopper’s wonderland, still done up in festive glitter.
Hang on to your credit card 

A ship that passed in the night
Nearby is the megastore “IKEA” which offers miles of bargains as you follow bewildering arrays of weird-sounding labels (Swedish, we presume) at what seems astounding value (and I’m not much of a shopper). We had lunch at “CafĂ© Rouge” before our feet wore out, and retired back to the quiet life aboard for cards, snooze, tea and movie.

Saturday 5th January

Yarmouth to Southampton Town Quay. 19nM.
Via Western Solent and Southampton Water.
Forecast good. Morning tides fair. Fuel 1/2. Engine hrs 946. Water 1/2. Oils etc checked OK.
Poor visibility

.1100  Clear Yarmouth. Radio check OK. Obstruction at berth to be sorted out.  Visibility poor, 1/2M. Course 053T. Overcast. Damp. Smooth. 1500rpm. SOG 9Kts.
Better visibility
.1120  On Course.Transit Solent Bank and Hampstead Ledge.  1500. 9.6 sog. Log paddle jammed, and a “burst” wouldn’t clear it—wait for Spring bottom-clean? AOK. Vis poor.
.1145  Lepe Spit Cardinal Buoy. Vis still v.poor ahead, but clearing from astern. 1800 10Kts. COG 050T, AOK.
.1245 Tied up on Southampton Town Quay!
Post-Christmas Sales and tinsel

Lunch, a quick trip to the West Quay Mall, a nice dinner at the nearby Italian, and a movie
on board, before an early bed.. A great day!

Friday 4 January 2013
The decorations were down, the tree lights off, and we needed a break from all the festive dining and wining. It was to be either hibernating at home (almost impossible) or getting away on the boat for a few days—which, surprisingly, looked very inviting indeed. So, it was off down to the boat to remove covers, do checks, stow dinghy, unstow liferaft, and make a few diary changes, and we were ready for departure the next  day.

New Year Style
Not yet dressed for sea
New Year’s Eve, A time for Resolutions.

This is not strictly a “cruising” entry, but it does two things at least—it’s a reminder of how the year started out in finery and celebration, and it records the discussion we made to get more out of the boat without having to make elaborate plans or commitments.  Both were fine ideas!