Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Tuesday 8th January

A Marina full of boats

Bright sunshine helped to  wake us up (rather late), confirming that the spell of good weather would continue. The marina was full of absent residents, and we were still the only visitor, with the entire breakwater to ourselves. The trial of yesterday’s purchase of extra-warm sleepers had proved successful, so we were well ready for another day. A simple breakfast and a quick boat-tidy took us up to morning coffee (it’s all go on a boat!). I checked out the blog on Gill’s iPad and discovered that Apple had decided to re-format it. Gill, who adores all things Apple declared that this was an improvement, but I’m not so sure. (Note to readers—Gill still thinks that Steve Jobs should be canonised). Anyway, then I saw that the iPad does give the opportunity of “web view”, let me know what you think.
High Street, Southampton

It was another super day—from the galley we had a superb Spag-Bol, and later a French-style cheese & tomato baguette with cakes, and we did a bit more credit-card-bashing in the city.
We played cards as the rain set in, and watched a very silly but entertaining movie -”The Hangover”. Home tomorrow, we think….

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