Monday, 10 September 2012

9 September - Coming home for the Autumn...


Sunday 9th September - Bembridge to Yarmouth at 2500rpm (14kts log)

  Course St Helens Fort, No mans Land Fort, Ryde Middle, Cowes approach, Egypt Point, Hampstead ledge, Yarmouth.
The fog bank
 Engines 937, fuel 13/16P & 7/8Stbd. Water 1/2.
 .0745  Cast off in fog of 200 yds vis. This worsened as we approached the harbour entrance, requiring Gill to move to the foredeck and seek out the next bouys. Halfway along the channel, a “Good Samaritan” in a speedboat showed up to lrad us out. The fog covered literally only the trickiest part of the approach.

.0800 Safely at the tide gauge .

Our Good Samaritan
.0815 Round tower in transit with Spinnaker Tower. 15log, 13.9sog. AOK

.0825 Alter course behind ferry. AOK

.0850 beautiful cruising conditions, crew sunbathing. Gurnard N Cardinal. Smooth. 13.4 sog

.0915 Hampstead ledge buoy. 13.2 sog. AOK. Smooth. Hazy/bright. Picturesque.

.0930  Holding station awaiting a clear berth from harbour.

.0945 On berth. Engine 932. Fuel 3/4 each (a good result in the experiment on fuel usage—2500 seems a good cruising engine rate)
Ryde from the Solent

On Bembridge sea front
Met by Martin Mawhood & joined by Brian for coffees, catchup, gossip, and debrief .  The “arrival party” is becoming a standard feature.

Spent the day on the boat, watching the bad weather roll in.
So, that probably concludes the blog for this season.  Roll on next year! Meanwhile, there are quite a few little maintenance jobs, home and boat, as well as a few social obligations to catch up on....



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