Saturday 1st September Cherbourg to Yarmouth
The final meal out of the French holiday last night was a gargantuan rib of beef for two at the Marina Yacht Club. When this was followed by a delicious platter of mixed dessert and coffee, we were well ready for a bit of exercise walking back to the boat. We retired early, in anticipation of an early start.
Early morning sunny marina |
Water was taken down to 1/4. Fuel full both. Engines 930 hrs. Plotters and radar on OK.
Passage plan Cherbourg E—Needles– Yarmouth. First leg 60nm @ 000 deg T.
.0800 Cast off
.0810 Chbg E outer. 14.1 kts 2600 (revs throughout)
Close proximity |
.0830 On track. Overcast. Dry. Slight/mod. AOK 14 sog 16 log.
.0900 O/T @ 49.50.00N. 16log / 13.5sog. 2700. Swell. AOK. Vis 6m. 2ships @ 5m. Dry.
.0930 O/T 42nm S of Needles (Ndl). AOK. 15.8log / 13.5sog. Mod. 7ships>3nM.
.1000 35nM S of Ndl. AOK. Same.
.1030 28nM S of Ndl. S/M. AOK. 4 ships. Dry
.1100 21nM S of Ndl. Brighter. Slighter. 16.4log /13.5 sog. AOK.
.1130 Land in sight. 14nm S. Slight. 16log / 15.
.1200 6nM S. Hazy sun. Vis 5m. AOK
Nearly home - The Needles |
.1230 Alum Bay. AOK
.1245. Stopped at Bk Rock for prep.
.1310 Cleared fuel dock. 130ltr Pt / 120 Stbd.£300
.1315 Docked in home berth. John & Sue meet us. Joined by Malcolm & Jay for small party.
Welcomed also by swans and Wellington flypast!, Engines 935, showing 50 litres per hr at 2700 rpm.
The welcome home flypast |
A great holiday!
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