Friday, 31 August 2012

27 to 31 August--Coming towards homegoing

Thursday / Friday 30/31 August

A fishing boat scrubbing off
The Summer is officially over.  Already, the temperature is dropping, and the wind is carrying a notice of cooler days to come.  After over three weeks, life on the boat is as sweet as ever. It’s not because the weather has been great (it has been patchy), or that there have been so many things to do (even if there were, we probably wouldn’t have done them), or that the town or marina changes much (although there are a thousand tiny little differences each day), but we have developed a pattern of quiet contented routine activities (or inactivitities, more correctly) which fills out the days to perfection.
This dry dock is permanently pumped out
When we go home, friends will ask about the restaurants, and we won’t have much to tell them, but we will probably bore them to death about the fresh produce available every day at the markets. We could go on and on about the simple luxury of a freshly buttered slice of toasted French bread, or the pleasure of having lunch in the wheelhouse with ther roof open but it still wouldn’t explain the different perspective on life and the world which comes from living “on the boat”.
A seagull seeking shelter?
 We are now looking at the forecasts with aview to returning straight to Yarmouth, and we have emailed the harbour to expect us from 1st September onwards
Wednesday 29 August
A really windy day, today, and the quiet holiday continues.  Our friend Jan will go to surgery for a brain tumour operation, so we are much pre-occupied with concerns for her and Rod & Ellen.
A "Green Beach" , free, from the mayor.
We had a look at another boat yesterday, “Jalda”, a classic gentleman’s motor yacht. Sadly, it has been neglected to the extent that duck tape is replacing the caulking in places, and some of the upper timbers have gone soft—a shame.
We hear that Jan’s op went OK, and we are delighted and relieved.
Since the rain had kept us in all day, we took advantage of the improved weather, and nipped out for a light dinner on the Quai. You can’t beat Entrecote & chips!
 Today’s film was DeNiro in “Casino”  a violent epic which went on a bit too long. 

A typical backdrop to dinner on board

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