Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Monday 13 August onward

Monday 13 August — 

This was planned to be a very quiet day (again, says you?), catching up on blog, laundry, some odd jobs, etc.  However, a phone call mid-morning announced the return of Roger & “Valkyrie” from Alderney.

Note the special sink!
 This time, Roger and Jack had brought 2 friends with them, and they all accepted an invitation for a light lunch.   As it happened, Gordon, one of the friends, was indisposed, so we proceeded with the 3 guests, and had a very jolly few hours swapping yarns, tall tales and adventures.

Roger, Jack & Gill, and Tom
It rained in the later afternoon, but not enough to wash out a trip to the supermarket for fresh supplies. (Each time we pass the inner harbour, I keep looking at “Lascia Fare”, a large private motor yacht which is falling into a sad state of decay.)

The unloved "Lascia Fare"

 After a gentle dinner on board, we took a stroll around the town, and were pleasantly surprised to encounter our Yacht Club members Malcolm & Jay of “Sea Jay” in one of our favourite restaurants “Sel et Poivre”. We stopped for a coffee, and that was the day...

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