Thursday, 9 August 2012

Middle Watch Blog 2012

Wednesday 8 August Yarmouth to Cherbourg

The Murky Needles

 At last the weather was looking favourable. We had been watching the forecasts in between the very exciting Olympics programme, and although it looked better on Thursday than on the Wednesday, we had decided to go when we had the chance. So we loaded the boat, shut down the house, and had a nice dinner “in port” in the Yacht
Not to be argued with
ub at Yarmouth before settling down on the boat for the night.On waking around 6am, we saw that it  was very misty at first, but this cleared partially to a drizzly overcast, with a light wind, so we were off!

Fuel 3/4 each, water 1/2, engines 942
.0710 Exit Yarmouth. Radio check OK
.0725 Hurst.  2500 15 knots over ground (sog)
All OK (aok) Rain  Visibility 2m  No traffic
.0740 Needles  Sea moderate  Dry 2800rpm
17.6 knots log / 16sog  Aok
Caught napping in Cherbourg
 .0845  On track 183T at 50.22.19N Fog
 Choppy. Vis 1/4m  15.6 sog AOK
.0915 Occasional slam Clearing 19/17sog AOK
On track at50.14.72N
.0945 On track 27m to Cherbourg Rain AOK
3 Ships at 2m  Lumpy 15 sog
.1015  Gas alarm (cleared on opening door)   From recent maintenance?  ModOvercast 
.1105 Alter course around container ship
.1115 3m to Cherbourg. Aok.
The tranquil end to a perfect day
.1130 At Fuel dock. 1 hour! 330ltr E467 £373Berth E99 pw 
.1300 Tied up on N pontoon Wash down Fill wa ter Connect up  Lunch Laze Snooze Phone calls Internet setup. An afternoon of sunny bliss. A quiet evening on board, then an early bed, interrupted by the pesky gas alarm..

.2400 Temp fix (not a gas failure). Sleep.

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