Thursday, 23 August 2012

Tuesday & Wednesday 21 & 22 August

Tuesday 21 August
The magnificent theatre (closed)


Believe it or not, the main excitement of the day was a trip to the launderette, which became a self-help group in several languages as we  all figured out how to use and pay for the machinery. One chap we spoke to (in Frenglish) lived 5 months in Cherbourg, and 7 in Guadelope, Antilles, commuting between them solo in his own boat. Earlier we watched in some awe as the huge training ship “Queen Galadriel” executed a very tight turn at the end of the pontoon.
Queen Galadriel makes a tight turn


Wednesday 22 August.

Technical note: gas alarm has finally packed up. Now suspect that the sensor had been water-damaged when the fridge defrosted. Will re-site  a replacement sensor when we get back to base.
Inside the "Cite de la Mer"


We had a “big discussion” on the next move, and decided that we still had not had enough of life in Cherbourg.  So, we have arranged to “pay on depart”, and  we’ll see how it goes…
A lovely model


Meanwhile, we have been looking again at “Lascia Fare”. It is a large motor cruiser 22.6 metres long. 5.6 wide and with 2x850hp engines.  But, it’s a big decision…


In between times, we had a great cycle outing across town to “La Cite de la Mer”, where we thought there was a “Titanic” exhibition. There was, but it was last month.  Hoewver, we had an interesting time looking around, and enjoying the marina from a different perspective.
The marina from the museum


Dinner on board, a game of cards, and the beard is getting scratchy!


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