Monday, 20 June 2011

20 June - Where's the Weather?

Tim and Liz show us how 
It's Monday, June 20th, and we are still in port at Yarmouth! The wind has been unceasing for weeks, it seems, and by the way things are looking we will remain "blown-in" until Saturday. However, life is anything but dull. Normally, we head off immediately after the Gaffers Festival, but this year, our friends Liz & Tim were married on June17, so we were happy to delay our departure to share in their big day. And a lovely day it was, in spite of relentless rain, which lasted from morning to night. This may have dampened the tour of their garden, and the planned open-air hog roast, but the atmosphere in the marquee was terrific. A great day!

At the Marina Opening Event

The day after the wedding, we attended the"Official" opening of the new harbour development (some locals don't like to call it a "Marina")
This was a pleasant affair attended mainly by the walk-ashore residents, senior Harbour staff, and some of the main players from the development team. Afterwards, we had coffees on the boat, and I talked to the skipper of a large Dutch motor-cruiser (blown in, like ourselves). They were 2 weeks into a 6-week outing towards the West Country, and we were able to exchange some "local knowledge" - he had not been sure about the Needles Channel, and he was able to give us some insight into the charts we would need in Holland, plus some facts about Amsterdam approaches.

In passing, I should record also that, in between Gaffers and the wedding, we had gone off on a 4-day Bridge course at the Womens' Institute (!) college near Oxford , where we had an enjoyable and stimulating time. (Gill had won a bursary at  the local W.I, so it seemed a good way to fill in "the gap")

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