Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Sunday 26 June...Yarmouth to Brighton 60nm

"When someone hands you a lemon, add sugar and make lemonade".....  This little bon mot was good advice when, after all our waiting, we woke on Sunday morning to thick fog. So, we postponed our planned departure until mid-afternoon, and spent the morning on the boat, with lots of visits, calls and texts from well-wishers, followed by a super Sunday roast at the Westbay Country Club.

A murky Portsmouth to Port
No Mans Land Fort in the mist

Forecast: Fog clearing, F3/4 SW, tides ok until arrival around 7pm(bst).

1515   Clear Yarmouth
1520   Windscreen wiper adrift, lodged in frame! refit & resume. 2600rpm,15sog, sun, light, AOK
1545   Off Gurnard. Passing the Dutch boat we spoke to kast week, now returning from Weymouth.
1600   At Ryde Middle. Like Piccadilly Circus-on-sea!
1645   Dean Tail. Moderate sea, 2700rpm, 14.6sog. AOK (all ok). Fine but fog bank to South.
1705   Looe gate.  2700 14.4sog/14.8log. fuel 3/4-7/8.
1730   On course 22nm to B'ton. Sea building up.
1800   15nm to B'ton. Slight to moderate, good vis, fine, AOK, increase revs to 2900, 17k sog.
1900    Arrive Brighton entrance.
1915   Tied up, rafted one out (returning boats from IOW race). Greetings from LSC member.

Marina fee £26 inc. Nice dinner at "Memories of India". Check out wi-fi dongle. Crash out.

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