A near neighbour in Dover |
Leaving the white cliffs of Dover |
The morning started fine, as forecast, F1/2, sun, some showers, and good tides starting from around 1000 BST. After a leisurely breakfast we made for the fuel dock and took on another 202 litres of diesel (£222), and tried, unsuccessfully to pump out the waste - airlock, we think. Our passage plan was simple: East of Dover, cross the separation zone, Oost Dyck, Scheur channel, and Vlissingen entrance.
We had plenty of company throughout the voyage, starting with a couple of ferries at the Dover entrance.
0940 Clear Dover on 090deg. Flat sea, bright, clear. 2800 17/17.
1005 Shipping lane. Alter course to 135, crossing at right-angle.
Some swell on a rippled surface. Hot sun. Perfect!
1020 Out of sep. zone. Course to Oost Dyck (OD1) 39m-062deg.
1045 32m-062 to OD1.13 ships in view.Great conditions. Gill reports that the newly-installed exhaust smoke baffle now makes sunbathing in the cockpit much more pleasant.
1115 23nm at 061 to OD1. Temp 90/90, oil 60/60, fuel 3/4-3/4.Excellent conditions.V.slight, sunny.
GPS signal sometimes drops out on PC, needing a re-start - main unit OK- stronger antenna?
1145 15m-062 to OD1. AOK. 2800 17.4/17.7. Visibility 5m.
1200 Mist. Visibility less than 2m. Radar range set at 3m. No targets.
1215 AOK. No targets. OD1 6m at 063 deg.
1235 At Oost Dyck. 1 ship at 3m off bearing 330. Set course for Vlissingen entrance (VE)
1245 11 ships on radar, none closing.
1300 AOK. Flat calm. Vis now back to 2m. 17/17.5. VE 34m at 085deg.
1335 Mist lifting. (out of fog bank) Vis 4m. Busy shipping. At Scheur channel 1&2.
1400 17.5m to VE. Very busy. AOK. 15.4/17log. 1430 9m to VE. Calm sea, but heavy wakes from 1400 nearby passing ships.
1500 Strong adverse current. 13.3sog/17log. At Weilingen no 9.
1530 Exiting Vlissingen lock - immediate entry, following local yacht. Easy chains, low fenders.
1545 Tied up on alongside pontoon, drinking tea! Engines 850, fuel 5/16-3/8, water 1/4.
A companion at sea |
Boy racers? |
Thunder imminent, very warm and close. Sort out ropes and gear, relax. Excellent early dinner at VVW Schelde Clubhouse ("best ever", says Gill), served by very friendly young lady. First lessons in Dutch! Sunset drinks and early to bed......
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