Thursday 7 July—Zierigzee to Willemstad - 27nm and 2 major locks
Engines 856, fuel 1/4-1/4, forecast F3, with sun & showers.
Leaving the Zierigzee berth |
0900 Cast off, with friendly goodbyes, and following overnight neighbours, into a beautiful bright, and somewhat breezy morning. We emerged from the entrance canal into a sea shoing some white-crested waves, which evidently persuaded our neighbours to return and wait for calmer conditions. There was a short delay due to some maintenance work on the normally-open flood gate, but only a few minutes.
0920 1.5 kn of foul tide. 1500/1800 giving 6.6sog/8.6log. Short chop on sea. AOK
1000 AOK. In main channel at KT14. Quite busy, with v.large barges and yachts. Calm and bright, and heading towards a large wind farm, all rotors still.
1030 Just off the entrance to “Krabbenkreek” (I wonder what the translation of that is?). Perfect conditions. AOK. Fuel still 1/4-1/4 (We should do more low-speed cruising). On a course of 040 through Zijpe. Phone call from P&J, all OK.
At the harbour exit |
1100 Approaching the somewhat confusing entrance to Krammersluis, a large lock and high bridge. Tie up on waiting pontoon while a large contingent of v.large motorboats muscle to front of queue.
1115 Mayhem entering lock!. The v.large cruisers were so beamy that smaller boats (like us) had to literally squeeze past with flattening fenders. However, everyone was relaxed, friendly and very helpful.
Looks like it could be busy.... |
1145 Exit lock, noting that 12 vessels were waiting to enter.
1200 At buoys ZV3&4. 1400/1700 7.2sog/8.1log. AOK. Fresh breeze, slight sea, sunny.
What a squeeze |
1300 At HG4, in sight of bridge. Fuel now 1/8—1/4, but reserve tanks still available. This time we are determined not to be last in! The weather is still fabulous, and the scenery still breathtaking. AOK.
1345 Have lunch while tied up on waiting berth. Stiff breeze astern makes docking tricky entering lock.
1400 Exit lock, which was much larger than previous, giving no problems. 9 boats out, 9 in.
1430 Arrive at Town Quay in Willemstad, and tie up (underneath a windmill!) rafted one out alongside similar size boat which is leaving tomorrow.
Sort out ropes and stuff. Organise boat. Have a halting chat with our neighbour (the exception to the rule that everyone speaks English). Then a very pleasant short stroll around the town and harbour to get our landbearings plus some supermarket bits and an extra paper chart for the next leg to Stellendam. Enjoy yet another lovely port. Sign into free wi-fi on board (courtesy of one of the quayside cafes), and relax, relax, relax. Dinner on board, a round of cards, and a dreamy bed.
Berthed in Willemstad |
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