Dawn at Kaag |
Tuesday 19 July Kaag to Amsterdam
A bright, still, dry morning, with blue sky dotted with the odd cloud—just right.
.0900 Clear JH Kaagsdorp—on the road again.
.0915 Cruising along at an altitude of 20 ft above ground level. All checks OK.
.0930 Clearing Lisserbroek bridge after only a 5-minute hold. Cruising through front gardens at 6kn. Amazing what ornaments and pets are on display!
Note the ground level |
.0945 After putting on a spurt to catch an opening for a yacht, cleared Elsebroekerbrug.
Now following the yacht at 4.5 kn
.1025 Now cruising through the woods, after clearing 2 bridges with only 5 minutes holding .
.1045 Weaving in and out gingerly to accommodate skiffers. Clearing Cruquious bridge. Weather still great, scenery still fabulous, AOK
Veal meat again? |
.1200 Just cleared Haarlem no 2, waved down by bridgekeeper to tie up and pay harbour dues (Euro 6.35). Two accompanying yachts in similar situation, hurrying to catch the last big bridge before Noordzee canal.
Tied up to pay Haarlem dues |
.1230 Now in a jam-packed Spaarndam Sluis, wedged between a large barge and a 40-footish cruiser. Lock fees of Euro 3.50. Also in the lock were two of our Felixstowe “English Pub” friends, separated from their pals by engine trouble, now fixed.
A packed lock at Spaarndam |
.1330 Finally emerging into Noordzee Kanal. Dozens of wind turbines (the 21st century fashion, rather than the 17th century windmill?). Lots of v.large ships, and v.fast ferries, swooping up from behind,
.1400 Very busy shipping. Now at Km 18. Very industrial. AOK. Confusing buoyage!
.1445 Finally located “Aeolus”, and tied up in the last remaining pontoon box, What luck! The boat which followed us in was turned away.
A fast ferry on the Noordzee canal |
We have arrived at the target destination. Engines 879, fuel 3/4=, water 11/16. Marina fees ~£10 per night (Euro 79.75 for the week), including electricity and wifi. Shower 50c. The harbourmaster was surprised to hear that we wanted to stay for weeks rather than days, and needs to refer to his boss for instructions. We may have to move berth in a few days. We shall see…
We took an orientation stroll around the vicinity—the less affluent quarter of town, apparently. The supermarket could not be closer, adjoining the marina building. We are about 15 min walk from the free ferry to central station, as compared with the 5 min from Sixhaven. However, we are indebted to our recent harbourmaster—Sixhaven is even worse than we expected –Sardinesville! Noisy, scruffy, and ridiculously overcrowded—absolutely no chance in a fire.
Aeolus Jacht Haven, Amsterdam |
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