Monday, 25 July 2011

An Amsterdam Journal, continued, 25 July

An early morning marina resident
0645: Up at the crack of dawn an hour ago to see that Nuala got away safely on the 0620 ferry. The sun is already shining, windows are demisting themselves, and the "drying shed" has done sterling work, so things will look even brighter after a short return to snoozeville.

Later:  Although this morning  had been scheduled for boat and battery maintenance, the sun was out, the marina was abuzz with watchable departures, and the sunbathing station was too inviting. Across the way, a 44 ft yacht needed its 2 families to contain the energy of 2 5-7 yr old boys who climbed masts and chainlink fences, and tried to catch passing boats with their fishing gear. Exhausting!

After lunch, the boat finally received its promised look-at. Surprisingly, one of the batteries was quite low on fluid (must check more often), but all oils, coolants, filters and belts were behaving properly, and the engines were run up to temperature without hitch.

Overview Willemstad to Ijsselmeer
Our plan now is to leave Amsterdam for a week or so to explore some of the Ijsselmeer, and return for Hayley's visit (and perhaps to meet up with the Thomsons on their way back from Greece).  Referring to the map opposite, we have recently come from page 7 through 8,9,10,11,21, 22,23,24 and 14, and now plan to visit pages 27 to 30, maybe more.

Our plan for today, exploring the Northside, was on hold, due to rain, but it cleared up later on, allowing a cycle ride around the district, and another look at Sixhaven.

A drink before departure- Aeolus

Sixhaven -boats per sq metre

Name that town

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