Saturday, 13 July 2013

Friday 12 July

We were up very early (5.30) to give some assistance to our departing Dutch neighbours in extracting their boats from very tight moorings, but we then quickly returned to dreamsville!

The visitors arrive
 Later, around lunch time, the day really swung into action with the arrival of Sister-in-law Gerardine (from Co Antrim), Jeremy & Nadine and the adorable Molly.
A happy group
London's Got talent?
A picnic on the riverside
We had a wonderful family day in glorious weather, on the marina and in a nearby small park, where we picnicked and played the afternoon away before an impromptu pasta dinner on board. (While this may not have had the sophistication of last night’s dinner at “Indigo, no 1 Aldwych”, it was equally enjoyable .

Friends reunited
A happy family

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