Tuesday, 16 July 2013


Monday 15 July   “Tosca”  Royal Opera

The view from our usual bus stop
Up at the crack of 6.45 am to set off to queue up for day tickets. We arrived at the doors at 8.15, but as it turned out, there were still only about 30 people in line when the doors opened at 10.00 to sell the 67 day tickets available.
In the queue for day tickets (2 @£44)

On the ROH terrace lounge
We spent a few hours in Covent Garden, musing around the flea market, listening to some really good buskers including a gifted opera singer.
A full house for Tosca

Then, in the tropical heat, stopping off frequently in shaded gardens, we made our way to The Little Ship Club, an oasis of air-conditioning, for a sumptuous lunch, and an afternoon read of the papers.

Then back to the boat  for a rest and a tidy-up before departing again, complete with teatime picnic, to see the magnificent “Tosca”. Home again by 11.30, knackered, and planning a day of complete rest tomorrow...

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