Tuesday, 23 July 2013

We slept, by thunder!

Monday 22 July 

This was the hottest day for 7 years in the UK, and we were in complete meltdown. It was also the day of the Royal Birth, so all other news went on hold between the announcements of the labour and the birth of the future king.

For us, it was a “boat-day”, apart from a trip to get the new glasses sorted out (for Tom) and catching up with laundry, etc  (not for Tom).
A visit from Mike and Betsy (from Pittsburg) 

Our new-found friends Mike & Betsy of Pittsburg PA (whom Karen had kidnapped for the photo shoot of yesterday) came round for a drink and we had a very pleasant get-together. After dinner we sat watching the lightning until the rain came around midnight. We slept, by thunder!


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