Friday, 30 August 2013

28 August At sea London to Ramsgate

Wednesday 28 August began with a 5am  alarm clock, and a fog so thick that we couldn’t see The Shard, but after a hasty breakfast and a very tricky manoeuvre out of berth, we were in and out of the lock and away from the nearby fuel dock by 6.30. On the river, visibility was OK, and we were on our way home...
Top bankers in the cloud
Wednesday 28 August  Ship’s Log At sea, Tower Bridge to Ramsgate
Engines 979, water 5/8, fuel full (196ltr, £165)
0545 Cast off. Tight extrication from mooring.
0600 In lock. Port navigation light out.
0630 Cast off from fuel dock.
Glorious Greenwich

0700 Greenwich.  9 knots, waiting fair flow. AOK
0730 Woolwich ferry. Tide now fair. 2500 13knots =.
0800 Flat calm. No wind. Chart 2650. 14.5 log, 15.5 sog, Erith Rands, thames 15 mile mark.
The flood barrier
0815 Chart 1186 1 B. Brightening. 2500 12.7 log, 15.1 sog ( tide of +2, ref says 1.8)
0840 Coalhouse Point. Chart 1186. AOK
0945 At Medway Entrance Dangerous Wreck. Cop peras 15.6 nm @106T. Bright haze. Flat.
1030 5.5nm@106T to Copperas. Slight. Vis 1nm.
1050 Copperas. Depth 3m below bottom. .
Graceful beauties

And scenic views

1130 Sea change at N. Foreland Pt. Choppy AOK
1140 Sea back to slight.1150 Ramsgate approach.
1200 On Ramsgate fuel dock. 247 ltr, £274.69.
 Berth fee £26-10.
Wednesday afternoon was taken very gently, in a berth very conveniently situated just across from the fuel dock.  As well as doing the next day’s navigation, we had lots of phone calls, texts, and messages from friends and family, many concerned for the well-being of the skipper. (Thank you all!). Ramsgate is as nice as ever, although we can’t figure out why it is so quiet and in places obviously run-down. We had a ramble around the town, calling in at the well-appointed Yacht Club, and we enjoyed a delicious Thai Curry on the picturesque Arcade which rises in a sweep over the scenic Harbour and marina.
Then back to Middle Watch for an early well-deserved bed.


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