Friday, 30 August 2013

29 August At Sea Ramsgate to Brighton

Thursday 29 August  Ship’s Log At sea, Ramsgate to Brighton
Approx 5 hrs at 15 Kts sog.

Engines 978, water 1/2, fuel full (196ltr, £165)

Waypoints: Ramsgate, Gull Stream S, S Sands Clg, Dover Ent, Dungenness Clg, Beachy Clg, Brighton Ent.
We meet a bigger cousin in Ramsgate


1115 Cast off. Clear port. Set at 2750 15.6 kts =. Flat. Bright haze. +0.4 kts tide. AOK

1150 Sea increased to moderate. 15 log, 15.3 sog. Bright haze, AOK, but port engine running at 200degF

Dodging Dover ferries
1215 Sea stronger at dover. Avoiding 3 ferries. Bright haze. Port engine now cooler at 195F

1300 7.5 nm to Dungenness. Lumpy sea (S/M). Wind F3 increasing (not forecast) Vis 3nm. AOK

1330 Sea now choppy. Waves 3-5 ft occ higher, but wavelength is the problem, giving slamming.

At Dungenness.

A welcome sight indeed

1400 Slamming continues. 13log, 14sog. AOK

1430 Fishing pots difficult to see in mounting seas.

1500 9nm to Beachy Head. Wind F4. AOK, but very uncomfortable  passage.

1530 Beachy Head. V.choppy. 17log, 14.5 sog. AOK

1630 Thankful arrival at Brighton Entrance.

1700 Fuelled up. 273 ltrs, £301.61 engines 984.

Sunset in Brighton

We arrived in Brighton after one of the most uncomfortable passages of recent years.  As an example of the strength of some of the slams, the bulb in an Anglepoise lamp came free from its bayonet fitting. Luckily, the crew (bless her) had done her usual great job of stowage for sea, so no other damage done, apart from seawater on the Basil plant.

When we had rested up and done our communications, we  walked up to the  bright lights of the Brighton Boardwalk, and treated ourselves to some posh Fish’n’Chips. On our travels, we chatted to the crew of a “traditional” gaffer, who had built the boat from scratch 13 years ago.
The Bright lights of Brighton Marina Boardwalk

 We will rest up and recover here for a few days.......


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your wonderful hospitality (as always) and for "allowing" 3 small children to take over Middlewatch for the day. Safe journey home and see you both again soon. Jason, Michelle, Dylan (aka Cabin Boy) & Macy xox
