Thursday, 8 August 2013

A day for being Mollycuddled

Thursday  August 8

The War Horse programme centrefold

Molly's new pal (1)

With the spectacle of “War Horse” still zooming around in our heads, the big event of the day was a planned visit from Jeremy, Nadine and Molly. However, instead of us going to meet them, they came directly to the boat. (Technical insertion: While carrying out a routine check on battery electrolyte levels, the bosun discovered a  fuseholder corroded  open-circuit in the battery compartment—this will require further work when a replacement part has been found, probably in Maplins).

Molly's new pal (2)

The weather was perfect for a walk to the parks of Wapping, where we had fun, games and starters, then back to Middlewatch for lunch and afternoon entertainment from Molly.

Molly meets "Molly"
Our visitors left around teatime, and we lingered on deck companionably, talking to passing neighbours (some newly in from Belgium) until it was time for a light supper, light DVD entertainment, and lights out.
Just Molly



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