Tuesday, 9 August 2011

8 August...Amsterdam Aeolus to Ijmuiden Seaport Marina

Fuel 1/2, 1/2+; water3/4; engines 887; Forecast wet and windy.
Amsterdam astern

.0915  Cast off in heavy rain, to friendly waving from Colin across the road, and our BBQ friends across the haven. Exit Aeolus and proceed through the city ferryways at 6kn.

The fast ferry

.0945  Passing JH Kookernoot. Rain has stopped. AOK. Some blue in the sky ahead. The mapping software is proving to be first-class—removing all navigation doubts and fears. 1500/1500; 7.3kn sog; wind now about F4, but waters flat (seems strange).

A mobile crane (and a fast ferry)

.1015  The wind has eased, the rain has stopped, the sky is showing a bit more blue, so we have decided to head directly to Ijmuiden rather than “chicken out” at JH Ymond.  AOK. Bilges pumped out (precautionary).

.1045  V. large barge approaching astern, and much larger cruise liner approaching ahead. Some tricky cross flows in narrowed channel. Passing Zijkkanaal “A”. AOK.  Squall arrives just in the middle of fender-adjusting.

Passing traffic

.1110 Tied up on waiting rail at Ijmuiden Kleine Sluis. Two boat in the lock, waiting to exit. Enough time for  a tea-break. Enter lock at 1125.
..1150  Exit lock into “real water” - big choppy waves, salty spray, rocking and rolling, etc, but only a mile to go.
.1210  Tie-up in Ijmuiden marina. Wind about F5, and  getting into the box was hairy.

Marina fees Euro 22-80pn incl electricity and showers. Laundry Euro 6 (w&d); Wi-fi via commercial hotspot at Euro 24.95 pw (one user). Engines 890; Fuel 7/16, 1/2; water 3/4. See previous note about comparing marina fees, but this is the most expensive so far, and still not bad.
Crew at work in the "Kleine Sluis", Ijmuiden

Sort out ropes and bikes, have lunch, take nap, do the administrations, take a short walk in the wild wind and driving rain, and then into a restaurant on the boulevard for our first “Rijstafel” of the trip so far. Scrumptious!. Back to boat for a dry out and an early bed. Tomorrow is another (v.windy) day….

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