Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Tuesday 9 August onward—Blown in at Ijmuiden

Wind indicators

The first morning here started off quite bright, and very windy –at least a F6-, and dry for very short while. The forecast is for continuing strong wind and foul weather for the remainder of the week, so we could be here for a while.

An August beach!

Seaport marina could be the Netherlands’ answer to France’s Cherbourg. It is a huge purpose built modern marina complex, and therefore very expensive. It is full of impressive facilities while totally lacking in character.
Enthusiasm rules

However, the beach just over the dyke, and the nearby national park should be worth a look when the F7 gusts and driving rain permit. There are very few holidaymakers abroad today, apart from a few foolhardy white-water kitesurfers and surfboarders, plus a couple of others, like myself, who went to watch the waves crashing over the breakwaters. Exploring is for yet another day!
"A bit lumpy out there, today"

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