Friday, 5 August 2011

Friday 5 August, Guest blog spot from Hayley

Mum & me, dining al fresco

Lovely time relaxing on the boat reading, eating, drinking, basking in the sun  -what more could you ask for.

Well, a few interesting sights along the way, “Off to the RLD” says mother and “Fancy stopping at a “coffee” shop for a spliff ?”,says Tom  are not phrases I thought I’d ever hear…And writing a blog spot with the word “Spliff” in it is not something I thought I’d ever do…. Home tomorrow — back to Blighty with a smile on my face  after so much fun and hilarity we had taking in the sights of Amsterdam with great company,  as always.    
Genghis Coot seeing off a duck
The Yacht Haven

..........................................................................Thanks, Hayley..............................
5th August, cont’d
The weekend is taking shape. The harbourmaster has agreed that we can stay until Monday, when we will leave for Ijmuiden if the wind is less than forecast.  Hayley departs tomorrow afternoon, and we will then attend the annual barbecue of the yacht haven (We are v.priveleged, we think). This morning, we exchanged messages with Colin & Marjorie, and we now hope to meet up with them on Sunday. It is a fine day, and the suntan lotion has been liberally applied.  Birthday messages still rolling in, and the fun continues….

The only fly in the ointment is not actually a fly - it is a pesky mosquito, which hides in the forepeak by day, and emerges by night when all attempts to locate it so far have failed. We don't like it, so we are literally having to lump it! Pass the salving lotion..... 

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