Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Wed 17 August Vlissingen to Dover - back to Blighty - 90nM

A murky Holland astern

Basically, the reciprocal passage of the way over, but with new experience , not necessary to follow strictly the buoyed channels required for deep-draught vessels. As the forecast was good,  the sea should not be too ruffled at shoals and banks. Vlissingen to Scheur1 22.5nm @264; S1 to Ruytgn SW 49.5 @ 248; RSW to Dover Ent 16nm @ 279.
Forecast F3 var; wave ht  ~1ft;  Dry, with some sunny periods. Fuel full, water 3/8, hours 897.

.0745 Cast off, and linger in the marina for de-fendering, to avoid the confluence turbulence at the harbour entrance.
.0800  AOK. 2600/2800 16 sog. Murky. Slight

An obstacle of the course (1)

.0830  At buoy MOW1, bearing 264 @ 16.5 sog. Still murky.  Sea moderate.
.0840  Alter course astern of converging ferry vessel.  Bilges.  AOK.
.0900  Busy ship traffic.  Return to planned course.16 sog.  AOK. At buoy Scheur 5.
.0915  Alter course onto 2nd leg, 248 deg towards Ruytingen SW. Brighter. 16sog. AOK.
.0945  On course at 002.48E.  Fuel 3/4=,  AOK, 16.5 sog.
.1015  On course at  002.36E.  AOK.  Calm. Overcast.  17sog. Sea build up to mod over bank.
The ghost of Dunkerque

.1045  002.23E.  AOK. Calm sea.  Light rain.  Coffee time.
.1115  002.10.70 E.  Fuel 5/8, 5/8+; Slight.  AOK.  17sog.

A working boat

.1145  On coursr abeam Ruytingen NW.  Slight. Cloudy. 17sog. AOK. Wind NE F3. Port windscreen washer not working— salted up?
.1210  Ruytingen SW. Continue on bearing 244 to line up with lane crossing.
.1220 Alter course to Dover Entrance 13.5 nm @ 280 deg. AOK. Crew sunbathing now.

Course obstacle (2)

.1245  Alter course to avoid v.large converging ship.
.1305  Request permission to enter harbour—granted.
.1325  On Dover fuel dock. 138/130 ltr = 267ltr = £286.34

1300 BST Tied up in Granville dock.

Getting in everybody's way
 Admin— £20.70 pn, inc electric.   Stroll / shopping round the town, and back later for an excellent dinner in “The Dover Marina Hotel & Spa”, followed by digestif in the deserted Royal Cinque Yacht Club. End of busy day.

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