Monday, 1 August 2011

Monday 1st August - Return to the City

August 1, Hoorn to Amsterdam, via Oranjesluis Sea -Lock. Forecast good. Fuel 11/16=, water 1/3, engines 884.

.0820 Cast off -  twice - the second time with the electricity disconnected!
(It is remarkable how a couple of seasons' experience turns what would have been cardiac arrest material into a mere minor mishap)

Leaving Hoorn behind
.0835  Well clear of harbour and tidying up ropes and electric cable. Exercising the engines at 2500rpm - 14kn- to blow the soot off the injectors. Even this speed seems fast after our recent "canal speeds", but the sea is so flat and the boat so stable - just like yachting. AOK.
.0910  Abeam of Edam.  2400=, 10Kn, AOK. V.little traffic (too early). The sun is beginning to burn off the early morning haze. Barely enough wind to fill the spinnaker of a passing yacht. Rippled.

Another postcard shot
.0935  At Marker lighthouse. Slowing down to reduce wash in respect of some sailing traffic.  AOK. 1700rpm 7.5Kn sog. Breeze now sufficient to allow sailing yachts to turn off engines (F2/3?)

Tall ships and minnows
.1000  On transit JH Uitdam & buoy MIJ5. Maintaining slower speed for a timely arrival at Aeolus - after the morning departures, but before the afternoon arrivals.  AOK.  Fuel now 9/16 - 5/8.
.1030  Approaching main channel of Buiten Ij.

Waiting for the lock
.1100  Tied up on waiting rail at Oranjesluis lock. Enter lock 1120, exit at 1130.
.1200  Tied up at Aeolus, after a short wait on the entry quay to wait for red light to go out. Paid up for 3 nights, but OK to stay in this berth for a week if required.

Afternoon - chilling out in the sunshine after all that excitement - a bit of shopping, a bit of snoozing, and getting ready for our next v.important visitor.

Another typically picturesque shoreline

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